Station ALOHA - Yearly Cruise List - 1995

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1994 1996
Cruise Names Alternative Name Dates Data Products
hot060 mw9501 1995/02/04 to 1995/02/09 hot060.tar.gz
hot061 mw9503 1995/03/02 to 1995/03/07 hot061.tar.gz
hot062 mw9504 1995/04/04 to 1995/04/09 hot062.tar.gz
hot063 mw9505 1995/05/05 to 1995/05/10 hot063.tar.gz
hot065 mw9511 1995/08/27 to 1995/09/01 hot065.tar.gz
hot066 mw9512 1995/09/25 to 1995/09/29 hot066.tar.gz
hot067 mw9513 1995/10/25 to 1995/10/30 hot067.tar.gz
hot068 mw9515_16 1995/11/12 to 1995/11/19 hot068.tar.gz


Dates: 1995/02/04 to 1995/02/09
Cruise: hot060, (hot060)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: Luis Tupas
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Dates: 1995/03/02 to 1995/03/07
Cruise: hot061, (hot061)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: Luis Tupas
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Dates: 1995/04/04 to 1995/04/09
Cruise: hot062, (hot062)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: D.Hebel
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Dates: 1995/05/05 to 1995/05/10
Cruise: hot063, (hot063)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: D.Hebel
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Dates: 1995/08/27 to 1995/09/01
Cruise: hot065, (hot065)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: L.Tupas
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Dates: 1995/09/25 to 1995/09/29
Cruise: hot066, (hot066)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: D.Hebel
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Dates: 1995/10/25 to 1995/10/30
Cruise: hot067, (hot067)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: D.Hebel
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Dates: 1995/11/12 to 1995/11/19
Cruise: hot068, (hot068)
Ship: Moana Wave
Sonars: nb150
Chief Scientist: unspecified
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